dhikala forest lodge

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    The Dhikala area of Corbett National Park is probably the finest unspoilt and abundant in wildlife area existing in Northern India, very rich source of wildlife, fauna and flora and that has extreme natural beauty. The vast dense grasslands called “Chaurs” like the “Savanah” in Africa exist only here.

    The Dhikala Forest Lodge built in the year 1936 is situated on the edge of the Ramganga Reservoir overlooking the forested hills of Kumaon & Garhwal. An overnight stay here provides the real wildlife experience with the opportunity of doing Elephant rides, Jeep Safaris and spending mid mornings on observation towers overlooking the Ramganga river and water holes. It is 50 km away from the Ramnagar Railway Station .

    The location of the Dhikala Forest Lodge offsets its basic accommodation- though these facilities have been immensely improved in 2006, as it is situated deep in the heart of the forest and wildlife can be observed can from the verandah of your room. The rooms at Dhikala have been renovated and are no longer basic by Indian Jungle standards. Dhikala forest Lodge is located in the core area of Corbett national park and it is enclosed by an effective solar fence for your safety against wild animals.

    Staying at Dhikala is an experience every wildlife enthusiast looks forward to. Dhangari gate is entrance for Dhikala zone. Dhangari gate is located 18 kms away from Ramnagar while Dhikala Tourist Complex is located 31 Kms inside the Dhangari Gate. Dhikala is open for tourists from 15th November to 15th June. But remains inaccessible during Monsoon season. Dhikala tourist complex overlooks Ramganga Reservoir and is a perfect place to observe Crocodiles and Gharials basking in the banks of Ramganga.


    Different kinds of accommodations are available at Dhikala. Along with the Forest Rest House, Cabins, Hutment, Annexe Dhikala also has 24 bunk beds in Log Huts. The rooms are comfortable with basis amenities.


    A very good restaurant caters to the need of visitors staying in the Dhikala Tourist Complex. The restaurant serves buffet meals with good choice of quality foods. A small Canteen is also available for the visitors.

    Canter Safari

    Canter Safari in Corbett is the best option for those who reside outside the Dhikala Zone and wish to sight the wildlife of the area. Canter is a 16 seater open air bus that drives from Ramnagar to Dhikala and then back to Ramnagar. For canter safari also one needs to make prior booking using the official website.

    Chaurs (Grass Lands)

    Dhikala is famous for the vast grassland that is packed with Elephants, Spotted Deers, Wild pigs, Hog Deersetc. Often visitors can spot a wild Tiger crossing the grassland or chasing a deer.

    Watch Tower

    Watch tower situated at Dhikala is perfectly located and enables you to get an excellent view of wildlife which are come for grazing into the nearby chaurs, It also gives you an excellent view of entire ramganga riverbed as well as a large section of Dhikala chaur.

    This watch tower is located at a 10 mins walk from Dhikala forest rest louse. There is a man made waterhole around fifty yards to the south of the watchtower which makes it the perfect place to spot Deers, elephants, wild pigs and occasionally a Tiger.

    Crocodile Point at Gairal

    Crocodile pool is located on the short cut from Gairal to the other rest houses west of it. It is also a balcony-like natural structure, which looks down upon a pool almost permanently inhabited by crocodiles.

    Sambar Trail

    This jungle track extends from the base of the Dhikala watchtower till the Khinanauli rest house. This area probably has the maximum sighting of tigers in the area.This is due to its ideal location between the hills on one side and the riverbed on the other. Most of the animals cross over in this area while moving down for water. Elephants are also frequent visitors to this track and it is important to be able to reverse your vehicle as easily as you drive it forward, if you plan to drive down this way just before sunset in the summer months. A couple of Serpant Eagles also had their nest high up in a tree beside this track. If patience is one of your virtues, it can almost be guaranteed that this track will not send you back disappointed.

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